Dr. iGO...Neck

To learn more about a condition, find the closest match to your symptoms from the descriptions below.

Neck Sprain...

A sprain is damage to the ligaments that occurs when they are stretched beyond their normal range of motion.

Symptoms typically include:

• Pain, especially in the back of the neck or that worsens the day after the injury and with movement

• Muscle spasms or pain in the upper shoulders

• Decreased mobility in the neck

• Tingling in the arms

• Increased fatigue and difficulty concentrating

Pinched Nerve...

A pinched nerve occurs when a nerve is damaged or injured by pressure or compression.

Symptoms typically include:

• Pain at the location of the pinched nerve

• Stiff neck

• Numbness in the shoulders or arms

Muscle weakness


Cervical osteoarthritis is the deterioration of the vertebrae and discs in the neck.

Symptoms typically include:

• Pain that radiates from the neck to the shoulder or between the shoulder blades

• Pain and stiffness that worsens in the morning and at the end of the day

• Relief comes with rest

• May include headaches

Cervical Fracture...

A fracture is a break in one or more cervical bones.

Symptoms typically include:

• Pain in the neck or at the base of the head

• Tenderness, swelling or muscle spasms in the neck

• Decreased mobility in the neck

• Trouble swallowing

• Loss of feeling or pinprick pain in your arms or legs

• Double vision or loss of consciousness

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