Dr. iGO...Back

To learn more about a condition, find the closest match to your symptoms from the descriptions below.

Sprain or Strain...

Back strains or sprains occur if you stretch one or more ligaments beyond their normal range of motion, causing injury.

Symptoms typically include:

• Back pain that worsens with movement

• May feel a "pop" or tear at the time of injury

• Muscle cramping or spasms in the back

• Decreased range of motion in the back

Herniated Disc...

With a herniated disc, the disc is damaged and bulges or is broken open.

Symptoms typically include:

• Pain and numbness in the leg and buttocks

• Possible pain in the front of the thigh

• Ache in the lower back

May have weakness in one or both legs


Osteoarthritis of the back affects the joints that connect each vertebra in the spine.

Symptoms typically include:

• Pain in the back that worsens in the morning and at night and may be relieved when lying down

• Tenderness when the joint or affected area of the spine is pressed

• Stiffness in the back and neck

• Weakness or numbness in the legs or arms

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